Privacy policy

In compliance with European Parliament and Council regulation 2016/679 from April 27th 2016, known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation):


Quality Hi-Fi Works Audio, S. L., limited liability company, from this point forward QHW Audio, registered in the Business Register of Madrid, Volume: 26,724, Page: 56, Section: 8, Sheet: M-481545, with tax address and postal communications address at Puerto Serrano, number 12, 28045, Madrid, is the owner of website and by means of this document inform users that it is in charge of processing information that they provide using aforementioned site.

QHW Audio meets the current law regarding to personal data protection, in particular, the Regulation 2016/679 of European Parliament and Council from April 27th 2016, adopting for that, technical and organizational steps to avoid loss, bad use, alteration, non-authorized access and  steal of provided personal data, considering the state of the technology, data charachter and risks they are exposed.

In particular, users are informed that their personal data only will be collected when it is appropiate and not unreasonable regarding to the determined scope and purposes, clear and legitimate for what they were collected.

Information is collected when users ask for a service through our website and is always limited to those necessary data for service provision. These data include things like complete name, address, phone number, email address, needed for distance selling operations and to solve technical support queries.

With the object of providing tracking of the order status at any momento, we use user Accounts. When the user creats an user account they provide aforementioned data and a password for accessing it.

The user is in charge to choose a secure password, that is, not easily predictable for third party people and he shall not share it with anybody. QHW Audio is exempt of responsability in case of third party people were be able to steal because of a careless use of password of website by the user.

This site gathers information using cookies with the object to provide an adequate user experience, as well as making traffic analysis with commercial purposes. Cookies details are available in our [COOKIES POLICY].

This web site is not oriented to people under the age of 18 and, therefore, people under age of 18 that wish to make use of our services must be appropiately authorized by ther parents or guardians to do it and to provide needed information to complete transactions or queries.

User will be the only responsible of troubles caused by form filling with false, incomplete or out of date date and will take responsabilities derived from this practice.

Data sharing

QHW Audio will share data:

With internet service provider in case of they are essential for any maintenance operation.

With a courier, a courier agent (or more) or transportation operators when user buys a producto with the objective of delivering it.

With contacts management systems, for sending electronic mails, instant messaging, messaging through social networks and SMS.

With QHW Audio’s products distributor with the aim to provide them a client portfolio for future offers and sales.

With a third party if a business merger, sale, association or other commercial operation requires to share datos with the purpose of business continuation and development.

QHW Audio will use user data when they are necessary for meeting tax obligations, public tax agency requirements, courts or in any other situation in which goverment, coercively, makes choice of disturbing.

Data term

Data will be kept, at least, for two years form a sales takes place with the aim to manage adequately the warranty period.

Case of they were collected for an ocasiona query they will be kept for a year after the query was answered.

User can ask QHW Audio the deletion or rectification of his personal data by an electronic mail to <> or postal mail to QHW Audio, Puerto Serrano 12, bajo, 28045 Madrid.

Data security

QHW Audio has ways to monitorize, examine and improve its information technology services. Communications with QHW Audio web site are done encrypted with a certificate emitted by a confidence entity, with RSA cypher with SHA-256 algorithm. Data are stored in a internet services provider which meets the present regulations regarding to data security.

Communications through internet (like electronic mail) are not secured if they are not encrypted. Your communications can pass trhough an undetermined number of countries before they are delivered, due the nature of the Internet.

We do not accept any responsability in case an unauthorized Access to data or loss of information out of our scope. We will never ask you any personal information through internet by a non-official channel. You are responsible of keeping safe your personal information, your account information and of not sharing it with third party ones.

Our web site can provide links to third party web pages. We are not responsible for the contents and security of their web pages.

Plugins and applications of social networks are driven by the social network and are under their own terms, conditons, privacy policy and cookies policy.

In Madrid, January 1st 2025.

Quality Hi-Fi Works Audio, S. L. Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid Tomo: 26,724 Folio: 56 Sección: 8 Hoja: M-481545